Pancakes in a Jar - easy cook | Cooking | Healthy food | Easy recipes

Wednesday 8 February 2017

Pancakes in a Jar

Pancakes in a Jar
Pancakes in a Jar

You will need:

1  1/2 cups Low-fat milk
2  whole Egg whites
1  tsp Baking powder
1  Tbsp Vegetable oil
1  cup Whole wheat flour
Vegetable oil spray

1. Separate the egg yolks from the egg whites.

2. Put egg whites into a quart jar. Add the milk. Screw the lid onto the jar, and shake until the milk and egg whites are thoroughly mixed.

3. Open the jar and add the baking powder. Put the lid on again and shake again.

4. Open the jar and spoon the whole wheat flour into the jar. Cover the jar again and shake the jar until the flour is thoroughly mixed with the milk. Set the jar aside.

5. Spray your frying pan (non-stick pan works best) with vegetable oil and heat on the stove over medium-high heat.

6. When the pan is hot, pour in the pancake batter until each pancake is about 4 inches across. When bubbles form and break on the surface of the pancakes, flip them over and cook for about 1 minute.

* Substitution: White flour can be used; however, whole wheat adds more
flavor and texture. Another option is to use 1/2 cup whole wheat flour and
1/2 cup white flour.

Hint: Your pancakes are ready to serve with a touch of butter or margarine and light syrup. Try some cut up fresh fruit on the side.

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